
A Prancing Sissy

Things have been pretty quiet around here.  Diane hasn't seen Brian in a long time and they don't speak as much as they used to.  She told me that She's nearly complete working on a ad She wants to post, most likely on Ashely Madison but she may also post it on another site.

Today, Diane sent me an email with a link to an article on the Huffington Post.  It promotes a type of exercise called "Prancercise."   The article goes on to say that the woman in the video, Joanne Rohrback, even has her own official website for Prancercise.

Diane's email read in part:  "I think I should insist that you work this type of workout into your routine every day.  Wouldn't you feel cute prancing around the neighborhood dressed just like the lady in the video?  I'm sure you'd enjoy it. And think of the health benefits...."

Here's the video

Diane's right (as usual).  It is very appropriate for sissies!


sissy terri
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Full Cut Panties

i did plenty of housework today, a little more than usual for a Tuesday.  Diane had left me a list of things to do and a few of them took longer than anticipated.  i'm very satisfied with myself though, i think my work was very thorough and of the highest domestic quality.

i'm also happy with how i've adapted and accepted my role in this relationship with Diane.  During our lovemaking last night, where She played Her usual role in penetrating me, She reminded me of that role; the one as Her wife.  And not just any wife, but a submissive wife.  i love the verbal aspect of lovemaking and it was so intimate and beautiful.  The best part was that i felt She enjoyed it as much as i did when it was all over.

She must have, because before She left for work today She told me to treat myself to a couple of pairs of luxury panties. "Go head and buy something online today" She said before kissing me goodbye.  What sissy can refuse that offer?  Not this one anyway.

So i did as i was told.  i love buying high end lingerie, items that cost way more than the panties youmight find in even an upscale department store.  The mere price of these things makes it feel naughty to buy and when you put them on, well....i think the price is worth it.

Diane did give me some instructions.  The panties were to be full cut and nothing trashy.  "Nothing over the top.  Not necessarily plain, but classy and feminine.  You knowwhat I mean" She laughed.  i hope i did.

i chose two similar pair, one pink and one white.  i've bought many feminine garments and other lingerie online, but today's  shopping felt pretty special.  Maybe it was last night's lovemaking, or the domestic things i did today, or just a good feeling about where i am in my life with Diane.  Most likely, it was a combination of the three and more things.

Anyway, i hope you like the panties.  i can't wait for them to get here!


sissy terri

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A Very Sissy Sunday

Diane's recent disappointments with her likely ex-lover Brian over the past couple of months haven't dampened Her Dominance over me at all.  Neither have they lessened Her playfulness when it comes to keeping me interested in being Her submissive wife.

We spent parts of Friday night and Saturday discussing how She wants to go about finding a new lover.  She's admitted that She's very picky and although that's part of the problem, it's also one of the things i love about Her.  She doesn't want to settle for just anyone.  Diane brought up an interesting option which i hadn't thought about at all.

"Why not look for another married couple" She suggested, "one where the husband is dominant and the wife submissive.  He might be interested in cuckolding another man, and enjoy having his submissive wife play along."  i had to admit that it certainly sounded intriguing and maybe She sensed some excitement on my part because She made it clear not to get any thoughts about my possible involvement with the other woman.  Not surprising.

Diane's working on putting a posting together, although She's still not sure the best avenue to start this search.

We also talked about Diane posting here on the blog once and awhile.  i have it all set up for Her to contribute whenever She wants to and this weekend She promised me that She would, but in due time.  So earlier today, She surprised me by telling me that She had posted something on the blog!

i couldn't wait to log on and see what She had posted.  i was terribly disappointed when i didn't see a new posting and went to tell Her that She'd probably done something wrong because there was no new post.

"Look again, and look closely" was all She had to say.

i went back and sure enough, She had posted something on the "Daily Femme Delights" section - a picture of a pretty pink sissy dress She'd like to buy me so i can wear in front of Her "new lover."

All i can say is that She knows me like a book.  The picture and Her caption excited me immediately.

"Do you like it?" She asked.

"No, i love it" i told Her.

She lifted the hem of my skirt and fondled me through my panties.  i had to wait until She was finished what She was doing, but soon i was upstairs pleasing Her like a sissy pleases a woman.


sissy terri
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Unfortunately, There's Nothing New

It's almost safe to say that Brian is now my wife Diane's "ex-lover."  He's gone back east for a six month assignment and for all intents and purposes, the affair they had going is over.  Diane's desire to find a lover went beyond just having sex with someone.  The sex was a large part of it, but so was the whole idea of openly cuckolding me with this lover. 

Brian was a convenient option for Her.  She knew him and thought that eventually, She could get him to accept this whole cuckolding lifestyle and adopt to the role of the Dominant Bull She so desperately wants.  That didn't work.  As much as She tried, there was always a reluctance on Brian's part to accept that role.  The reluctance, coupled with his lack of availability as often as Diane would have liked sort of doomed the relationship from the start. 

Diane is back to looking again, but hasn't quite pulled the trigger when it comes to posting ads on some of the more popular websites like Ashley Madison, Collar Me, or Fetlife.  Diane's reluctant to use the latter two options.  Admittedly, She's being a bit aloof when She thinks that they're not likely to attract the type of lover She wants.  But by the same token, She doesn't think that Ashley Madison (a site designed primarily for married people looking to have discreet affairs) will have many men actively looking to openly cuckold a woman's husband. 

Diane's also had several overtures from people She's worked with over the years, but She's just not into mixing business associations and pleasure, unless there are several degrees of separation.  i can't blame Her for that. 

i remain comfortable in my role as Her wife, dressing en femme every day and doing things that a normal stay-at-home housewife would do.  i pleasure Her in every way i can with the exception of the way a real man would, and She seems happy with me for that.  However, the void that exists in Her sex life right now is difficult to miss.  i see it and i feel it. 

When She really has the urge i'm made to wear a head harness with a dildo attached and She goes absolutely crazy  as She straddles me.  More so than She ever has.  It's a very submissive feeling.  i'm being objectified and it arouses me.  When it's over, She teases me about riding a sex toy that's protruding from my face while "the real thing" is staring her in the face.  Of course, She's referring to the erection i get every time i'm pressed into this type of service.

i did see Jake briefly last week.  He stopped by briefly so that i could service him.  i felt guilty.  i'm getting real cock and my Wife isn't. Hopefully that will change soon.  i want to see Her happy. 


sissy terri
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Back to my sissy life

i had to spend the better part of the last two weeks helping out a member of our extended family who took sick. i accompanied Diane to Her conference but had to leave early to deal with this emergency.  Fortunately, the family member is doing better and on their way to recovery.  A change in lifestyle is going to be necessary (diet, more exercise, etc....not the kinky lifestyle) which is a challenge for many people.

While i was gone, i realized how much i missed the lifestyle Diane and i have together.  i wasn't able to express my submission to Her and live as Her submissive wife all the time like i do at home.  i would tell Her that every day when we talked, texted, or emailed each other.  It was so heartwarming to hear Diane tell me that She missed it also.  "I love what we have, and having you as my wife" She told me.  i realized how lucky i am in many ways.

Diane on the other hand hasn't been as lucky when it comes to Her relationship with Brian.  They got together last week while I was gone and Brian broke the news to Her that his company was sending him on an assignment back east for six months.  The news, combined with Diane's increasing frustration with Brian's inability to meet with her often enough, seems to spell the beginning of a demise in their relationship. 

Diane's also been a little frustrated with Brian's anxiety or reluctance to "get the whole cuckolding concept."  She feels that despite the progress She made with that, there was always a feeling that Brian wasn't totally comfortable with it.  They're likely still going to see each other when it's possible, but this most recent news is causing Diane to think about looking elsewhere.  She realizes that as much as She enjoyed the sex with Brian, it was probably never going to develop to the point She wanted it to.

i've reflected on all of this and realized that it leaves me as a passive and obedient observer as Diane contemplates what She's going to do.  She wants to have a lover, but it has to be the right one.  Where to find this Mr. Right is the million dollar question.

In the meantime, i am doing my best to be a good submissive wife for Her.  She loves me, and assures me that things will work out.  "I'm very patient" She told me last night, "and I still have you to satisfy me whenever i want, just not like a real man."

With that, i'm back to my sissy life and doing whatever i can to please my lovely Wife Diane. 


sissy terri
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