
Sissies and Bows

Just about every piece of lingerie i've ever seen has a certain feminine look about it.  i guess much of that femininity is in the eye of the beholder, influenced by some psycho-sexual drive that's been in them since they were so very young.  However, most panties, bras, stockings, teddies can always enhance their "femme appeal" with a little lace here and there, a row or two of ruffles or in the case of this sissy, a properly positioned bow.

Bows, especially on a pair of panties really make me swoon.  i thought about that last night after getting a red matching bra and panty set from Diane for Christmas that had two pretty little bows on the panty front and a similar one on the bra right between the two cups.  So very ladylike.

So this morning, i put together a little collection of panties with bows.  All of these would look perfect in my panty drawer.  They'd feel even better on my bottom!

Bows just make me feel special i guess, like i'm all wrapped up...just like a gift for someone :)