
My Boyfriend

A few posts ago I wrote briefly about a comment Diane made to me about missing Ken, a man I played with sexually for more than two years.  Ken was a retired physician whose wife was still working a few days a week teaching at a university about an hour away.  That gave us an opportunity to play at his place fairly often, and I would do my best to see him at least a couple of times per month.  The frequency worked out pretty well, helping to fulfill our bisexual cravings. 

In many ways my relationship with Ken was almost the perfect situation.  He was very clean, discreet, dominant, kinky and really in tune with my own needs and feelings.  In addition, Diane knew about my thing with Ken and was ok with it.  Diane would often tease me about it and refer to Ken as "my boyfriend."  Secretly, I enjoyed it when she's use that term.  Unlike what's going on with Diane and Brian now, Ken also knew that Diane knew about us.  We never got together as a threesome or anything like that, but they did meet a few times when he and I got together to play golf.  All in all, things worked out very well.

Last year, Ken's wife stopped teaching at the university here and retired.  They had bought a home in Florida and once their place here sold in September, moved away.   Their plan is to stay there full time for the next couple of years and in a couple of years, decide whether or not they want to split their time between here and there.  I hope that's the decision the reach.  I miss him very much.

We still stay in touch and talk often.  Without fail, I get aroused each and every time we talk on the phone.  Ken's dominance over me was far different then Diane's.   In addition to the more psychological aspect of dominance, Ken really enjoyed the physical part of it as well.  As we grew more comfortable with each other, there was more bondage, discipline and other physical acts that crept into our play.  Ken knew how to make me feel like a woman.  He also knew how to turn me into a complete sissy.  And he loved every minute of it.

I still have strong bisexual cravings but haven't played with anyone since Ken left.  Part of the "problem" is that I'm very careful.  Also, I seem to compare every man I've met online who expresses an interest in me with Ken.  It's really not a fair thing to do but I can't help it. 

Ken's supposed to be here for a few weeks this summer and we're planning on getting together then.  We talked briefly yesterday and like every other time we've chatted he told me that he "Can't wait to be with his sissy girl again."  I can't either.  I'll be counting the days.