
A Sissy Serving Two Dom/mes

As Diane's submissive sissy cuckold "wife", my relationship with and my submission to Jake is totally dependent on Her approval.  It also comes with whatever rules or regulations She decides to impose upon it at any given time.  Those terms are also subject to change.  All of us understand that.

It does however at times cause a few minor problems, inconveniences and gets Jake a little annoyed.  None of these are big issues, but it does demonstrate the fact that i am first and foremost Diane's submissive.  As Jake becomes more dominant with me and i find myself in this "complicated middle," i'm also bearing the brunt of the disappointment that ensues.

Today was a good example of what i mean.  i've been doing Jake's housework for awhile now and he'd like to formalize this new responsibility of mine.  He's already made a list of my duties and chores but he also wants me there on a regular schedule.  Up to now i've done it both at my convenience and upon his request if i can. "If i can" often depends upon both Diane's schedule and often Her permission.

Jake is also beginning to enjoy exercising his authority and control over me more and more.  He'll do this when we're together by making me perform some menial or other personal task that he could easily do himself.  He would enjoy extending this authority by having me at his beck and call to come over at any time to perform some task, sexual, personal or otherwise.

A true submissive enjoys relinquishing their time to a Dominant.  It's part of their journey of self-actualization.  Try as a submissive might, they'll never be able to please two Dominants equally.  One Dominant's demands will always be secondary or even subordinate to the other Dominant's.   Diane does and will always have the final word on this.

So today, Jake wanted me at his house by noon to start housework.  He was going to leave work early and meet me there at 3 PM.  The housework was to be done and i was to greet him at the front door in nothing but an apron and high heels.  i told him the earliest i could be there would be 3 PM.  He told me he wasn't happy about it and that he would see me there at 6 PM, opting to work a full day.

"Same dress code" he said, "and the first thing we're going to do is head upstairs for a spanking."  The master bedroom is upstairs and i expect that's where he wants the spanking (and probably more) to take place.

Jake knows i don't enjoy doing housework either totally or semi-nude.  i don't feel as feminine and for whatever reason, it makes doing the work a bit more difficult.  i also believe Jake makes me do it that way only because he knows i don't like it.  Mind games can be such a big part of any D/s type of
relationship.  This one is no different.

And when it comes to being sent upstairs for a spanking, i find it much sexier to be in one of my maids uniforms complete with the apron and very ruffly panties.  But what i'm to wear is also often determined by others.  It's what pleases them with my own pleasure of little consequence. 

Even though i have time to blog and do some other things, my time is definitely not my own any more.  Two other people control much of it, but none more than Diane. 


sissy terri