
A Sissy Cuckold Sunday

Last night around 7 PM Diane found out that her lover Paul would be free all day Sunday.  He wouldn't just be free, but he'd have the entire house to himself.  His wife was originally supposed to leave Monday morning on a short business trip, but for whatever reason chose to leave this morning.  Paul invited Diane to spend the day with him and if She so chooses, to spend the night.

Diane left about a half hour ago with an overnight bag and clothes for Her to wear to work tomorrow morning.  "Don't wait for me for dinner, but I'll let you know if I'm going to spend the night" She told me.  "I haven't made up my mind yet."

i didn't press Her to find out why She was undecided to spend the night.  Maybe i should have, not that i would have gotten a direct or conclusive answer, but it would be better than the various scenarios that have been going through my mind since She's left.  Since Jake's not available today, i've got plenty of time to myself.  Time to think.  Time to wonder. 

When you're a cuckold, your Wife has a clear preference for Her lover over you when it comes to the type of sex a woman usually has with a man.  You may not always look at it in those terms but it makes things a little easier on you when you admit to it.  I know it and it's evident by the fact that we no longer have regular sex with one another.  So, Diane's going over to Paul to have sex this afternoon is easier for me to accept since i've accepted who i am and what my role is.

However, when i dwell on this i wonder what''s going to be going through Diane's mind if after a full afternoon and early evening of sex, She decides She wants to spend the night with Paul?  More sex? More intimacy?  A preference for Paul over me that goes beyond the "typical" sex?    i readily admit that some of this bothers me.

On the other hand if Diane does decide to spend the evening, it could be just another one of Her ways to play mind games with me, knowing full well that i'm running all these scenarios through my head.  On the one hand She assures me of Her deep love for me, then opts to spend the night in the arms of another man in his bed, likely waking up to another round of sex.

All of this is taking place while i'm locked away in my CB-3000 the entire time.  That's another little piece to this weekend puzzle.  i got locked in after my shower this morning and She has the key.  The spare key is hidden somewhere in the house if needed in an emergency.  "Don't even try looking for it.  It would be a waste of time" She said.  If i need it, i'm to call Her.

If Diane decides to spend the night with Paul.  i'll probably stay locked until tomorrow evening when She gets home from work.

It's a sissy Sunday for me.  i'm dressed fully, have some housework to do and i'm locked in chastity.  i will however be able to watch some football without interruption.

It's also a cuckold Sunday here.  My Wife is at Her lover's house where he's probably enjoying some football also, although i doubt it's going to be without interruption.

Yes, i'm a sissy and a cuckold and have accepted it.  But i really hope She decided to come home tonight.

i would love the opportunity to worship Her after an afternoon of lovemaking with Paul.

i also love to fall asleep next to Her.  It's not the same when She's not there.

i guess i'm a very selfish sissy cuckold too.


sissy terri