
Sissy Brides

With my traveling and being away from home most weekdays along with Diane's interest in Her lover Paul, i've had more free time for my imagination to wander.  And where else would it wander than into the realms of sissy or kinky thoughts?

If you're a follower or my tumblr blog "A Married Sissy Cuckold" you've probably noticed that i post very regularly there and quite often.  Tumblr is such a nice application to use on a smart phone and you can easily keep a blog fresh and up-to-date in just a few minutes.  Since it's so easy and user-friendly, I decided to start another tumblr blog called "The Sissy Brides."

I got the idea because of my interests in all things bridal related that I've written about on this blog here in the past.  Blog postings here, here and here give you an idea of my interests which i'm quite sure aren't that different from many other sissies!  I also was spurred on to do this by another lovely tumblr blog called "The Transgendered Bride."  Check it out and you'll see what i mean!

Like my A Married Sissy Cuckold blog i'm going to try to keep this new blog's focus on femininity
and sensuality and try to avoid posting bridal related porn.  i said i would "try" but sometimes there are posts with nudity that i find just so sensual i may make an exception.

If you're into bridal fantasies please check it out.  i'll bet you'll find a wedding dress or bridal lingerie that would look just perfect on you!


sissy terri